Aid to Life

Supporting the natural development of children

About Aid to Life

The Aid to Life Initiative is founded on the idea that children develop optimally when they are brought up in an environment that supports their natural development, with an adult who understands how to connect them to positive activity and then allows them enough time to grow and develop according to their own pace and rhythm.

It aims to give parents clear, simple, straightforward advice in a format that is easy to understand and apply.

At the moment this website addresses the child between birth and three but its aim eventually is to address the needs of the child and the role of the parent with children all the way through to adolescence.

Aid to Life Resources

A series of leaflets, booklets and DVDs have been created based on the Aid to Life initiative. These offer a useful resource for parents and anyone wishing to run parent support groups.


There is a leaflet for each of the four developmental areas of Movement, Communication, Independence and Self Discipline identifying simple, inexpensive actions parents can take at home to support their child's development. They are available to download from this website or can be purchased in sets.

Download leaflets:


An accompanying booklet for each of the four developmental areas of Movement, Communication, Independence and Self Discipline offers more detailed information and step-by-step practical information for everyday situations.


A short DVD is available for each of the four developmental areas of Movement, Communication, Independence and Self Discipline illustrating how the key principles can be applied to aid your child's development. The DVD will demonstrate all the supporting actions introduced in the flyer.

To purchase these resources visit